Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

Fresh produce...


Finished...! Great Britain here i come :P

Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2010

Aston STV

...Sporty Transport Vehicle... you know, which really can speedingly transport your stuff and isn't heavy like a tank? :P ...not that bitchy SUV thingy - NO - something really consistent in that market :P

Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

JRX - Here it comes...

Yesterday. Evening. Rollout of the baby. JRX. Many engineers. So many stunned faces... :-)

...take a closer look, the men in black are the actually important guys!! :P

Was a really big and perfect show, hat tip to Flo & Reibe!!
Looking forward to hoon this baby!!

Some data:
Weight: appr. 180kg
Engine: Rotax 1-Cyl - 90PS ...supercharged by a turbo
Photos: U.A.S. FH Joanneum & Mike

JRX - Official final rendering

These are the final official rendering proposals that where used to implement the color & trim layout and for the final presentation

Done in Luxology modo & Photoshop