Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2010
Bang & Olufsen BeoTender 5 Concept
Workin all night on my BeoTender concept... now some render funstuff. Hope you like this first sneak peek. ...7 Days to go until Presentation!! *gäääääähn*
Bang Olufsen,
Project Dustbuster
JRX Webupdate
Some major design update on our Web-Presentation. Logo finalized. Site in Beta-stage.
go to to see more.
...also i can claim that we get many many props from the racingteam and all other involved people, they are all freakin out about the design of the car :) stay tuned! Will give you some further spy shots when possible. Official rollout scheduled on april 27th.
Seems like it will be white power again! (Hat tip to BMW - and all of you who don't know about this joke and what i mean with "white power", be quiet, it isn't always all about cultural differences on the net.)
JR X Design
Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010
Quick Canson Scansheet Preview
A quick Canson Rendering in half scale, to check out proportion and layout for the final big fat rendering. Little bit of chalk, prismacolor, polychromos and copic.
Montag, 11. Januar 2010
Glass Renderings
Some training for rendering glass, three sets of glass design. rendered with chalk & prisma on canson mi-teintes.
Donnerstag, 7. Januar 2010
Hm, where's ma head at in 2010 ¿?
...yeah right - 2010 - still sippin' earl gray, chillin'... and finally working ma ass off. On fun stuff, i tell ya. :)
JRX Logo Variation.
Wieder mal ein kleiner Logovorschlag. Bin wirklich schon gespannt, ob wir uns da noch irgendwann einig werden ;P
JR X Design
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